100% pure natural peppermint essential oil Lila herbal medicine (no mixing, no flavor enhancers used)

Price 297.50 VND / Unit/Units


What are essential oils?
Essential oils are a mixture of many natural substances, have a characteristic odor in plants and animals, evaporate in the air at normal temperatures, leave no traces on paper, and can be extracted from plant tissue by means of French steam pull shop. Essential oils are very slightly soluble in water, soluble in fatty oils and organic solvents.
Essential oils can be used directly or made into other aromatic substances to meet social needs (medicine, food aromatics, perfume...)

Main uses of essential oils?
With a history of development spanning thousands of years, essential oils are known as nature's treasures, nature's medicine cabinet, and have been developed into treatments, health care, and beauty treatments around the world. …
Some main uses can be listed as follows:
- Antibacterial and bactericidal effects: Effects on the respiratory tract like eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils. Effective on sugar savings like Barosma betulina flower essential oil.
- Strengthens the digestive system, stimulates digestion, information, benefits.
- Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, biomechanical...
- Essential oils help reduce stress, relax, and improve sleep, helping users feel more energized, brighter, and more focused.
   - Essential oils also have skin and hair care effects.

- The ways to use essential oils are extremely diverse, popular ways are as follows:
-wind: place the oil bottle at the level of the scale, then lighten it a bit, then gradually move it closer to the nose. If you feel comfortable, continue to breathe more deeply.
   - Steam room: add 3-5 minutes into 100ml of tap water/essential oil diffuser.
   - Room spray: mix 20 drops of essential oil with 150ml of water, then pour into a spray bottle and spray around the room.
- Massage: 10% oil mixed with 150ml of essential oil will create a suitable massage layer.
   - Bathing: put 3-8 minutes of essential oil in the bathtub before bathing.

Information products
- Scientific name: Mentha arvensis
- Made in Viet Nam
- Extraction method: Steam.
- Parts from which essential oils are extracted: Leaves and stems
- Scent: Sweet, fresh, characteristic of mint.
- Combines well with essential oils: Melaleuca, Lemongrass,...

Note when using:
   - Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures.
- Do not use pure oil directly on the skin, need to mix with water or carrier oil in appropriate proportions.
- Do not let essential oils fall into eyes and sensitive areas.
- Most essential oils should not be used by pregnant women, children under 6 years old, or people with chronic diseases. If used, it must be prescribed by a doctor.
- Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.